
Wood Inserts
Wood inserts are great options when your existing chimney is no longer useable. They take a new stainless steel flex liner that runs through the existing chimney all the way to the top. It then connects to the new cap system on top of the chimney to cover the old flue. Installing a wood insert also gives you a much more efficient fireplace with longer burn times. Burning in the new insert will save you on fuel costs. Catalytic models are available for the wood inserts as well if you are looking to get those longer burn times. Read more about Wood Inserts >>

Gas Inserts
Direct vent gas inserts are awesome to install when converting an existing wood fireplace to natural gas or propane. We installed a new two-pipe system within the existing chimney to allow the exhaust to vent out and pull air from outside for combustion. These fireplaces also have fan systems built in to push more heat into the room. These units are a great source of heat and they operate when the power is out with backup batteries. If you are looking to convert your wood fireplace to gas these are the best option! Read more about Gas Inserts >>

Pellet Inserts
Pellet products are a great way to heat your home better. With hoppers that can hold up to 2 bags of pellets they are easy to load, and you don’t have to load more fuel as much as wood burning. On full loads you can experience up to 36-hour burn times! Pellet inserts take a two-pipe system. One for the exhaust and the other for air intake. Using a digital control board to set heat levels, feed trim speeds, and thermostat option these are easy-to-operate fireplace appliances. Read more about Pellet Inserts >>

Electric Inserts
Electric inserts are a very easy product to install in old fireplace openings in homes. With no venting or clearances to worry about it makes the job easy. Electric inserts come with a remote included with a thermostat option. All the different color flame options make these fireplaces fun and cool to operate! If you are tired of burning wood and do not like gas fireplaces these products are a great option. Read more about Electric Inserts >>